Choose a Plan: Match Your Lifestyle & Budget

After your on-site meeting with Bungalow Homes and your visit with Christian Gladu Designs, you feel confident that building a home from an established stock plan is the best route for you and your family. Great choice – you’re certainly in the majority. We offer 30-plus beautiful home plans for all types of discerning homeowners; the hard part is selecting the one that’s right for your lifestyle. 

Visit The Bungalow Company website to view all the plans.

Where do you start? It begins with budget.

  1. What’s Your Budget?: One of the advantages of our stock plans is the price points have already been established. As you review our plans,  Bungalow Homes and your home designer will point out those that best fit your budget as well as a few of the functional needs you laid out during your site visit.
  2. Living Aspirations: Budget is only part of the equation. What are your needs? What’s your family like? What’s your daily living style? How do you see these changing in 20-plus years? These answers will help to determine the best plan for you. Keep in mind, all plans can be altered to fit your needs and desires, depending on your budget.
  3. Does It Fit?: Once you’ve selected a plan, the home designer will virtually “place” the home’s footprint onto a graphic of your plat’s building envelope. Yeah, that’s a lot of jargon. Translation: the designer will make sure the house will fit (legally) on your lot. If there’s trouble, Bungalow Homes and Gladu Designs will walk you through alterations/alternatives.

Once the stock home design is determined a feasible fit for your lot, it’s time for the next step: alterations:

Next Step: Browse Plans
